Dear Calvary Family,
It is our annual practice to take time to give back to the Lord out of gratitude for the many blessings we have received. We will be taking our annual Thanksgiving Offering during the month of November.
As Thanksgiving approaches, I am so grateful for the opportunity to share with you how God is using our tithes and offerings to make a difference in the lives of people here in mid-Michigan and around the world.
When we give our tithes and offerings, we are investing in the eternal ministry of God’s Word through Calvary Baptist Church. We are helping to send missionaries, support Christian schools, and reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This year, I am asking you to prayerfully consider making a special Thanksgiving offering to our General Fund. This fund supports all of our regular ministry expenses, including our Christian schools, outreach ministries, and care ministries.
I am also excited to share with you that we are working towards replacing our modular classrooms with permanent buildings. This will allow us to say yes to more families on the waiting list for Hidden Treasures Preschool and provide our students with a more permanent learning environment.
Your generous tithes and offerings are making a difference in the lives of people all over the world. Thank you for your faithfulness!
Here are some specific ways that your giving is making a difference:
- Through the Missions support of our Unified Budget we are supporting 50 missionaries in Peru, Canada, Cambodia, Japan, England, the Philippines, and many other countries.
- We are providing Christian education to over 700 students at Calvary Baptist Academy and Hidden Treasures Preschool.
- We are reaching people with the Gospel through our outreach ministries, including Awana, Upward Basketball, Summer Sports Camps and other ministries.
- We are caring for the needs of our church family through our visitation program, counseling ministry, Life Groups, Discovery Classes and Benevolence Fund.
I believe that God is calling us to be a growing, thriving church that reaches people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we give our tithes and offerings, we are investing in this vision.
Here is a specific call to action:
- Please pray about the part God would have you play weekly in giving support for the ongoing ministry needs and our over and above special Thanksgiving offering.
- You can give to the Thanksgiving Offering anytime in the month of November.
- Designate your gift “Thanksgiving Offering” when you give.
Thank you for your generosity as together we move forward by faith!
Pastor Dan and your Pastors and Deacons of Calvary